Vision IQ | Farsightedness

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How Vision Works. The function of the eye is similar to a camera. A camera creates images by focusing on an object and allowing specific amounts of light to pass through a hole to create a visual impression on film. The eye functions in much the same way. Common eye problems include Astigmatism, Farsightedness, Nearsightedness and Presbyopia.

Farsightedness (Hyperopia)

Hyperopia or farsightedness is very common, affecting up to 62% of people over the age of 40. Hyperopia occurs when the eyeball is too short or the cornea is too flat. When rays of light enter a hyperopic (short) eyeball, they are focused behind the retina instead of directly on the retina where light must be directed for normal vision. Because of this, the focusing apparatus in the eye must work constantly to make up for the problem and focus images. Symptoms of farsightedness can include eyestrain, blurred vision, or headache (especially when reading or at the end of the day). Symptoms can increase over time.

Young people with hyperopia (30 to 45 years) may not have any problems seeing things in the distance, but may strain their eyes unnecessarily to maintain focus on close-up objects. This ability to see things 'far away,' but not near, is how the term 'farsightedness' came into being.

Middle-aged hyperopes (45 to 55 years) al... Read More

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